Friday, January 4, 2013

Camille Cosby on love and marriage

Ever wonder what it takes to have a successful marriage with one person for nearly half a century?
 I'm not Oprah's biggest fan by any means, but no one touches her when it comes to fascinating and inspirational interviews. Here, she talks with Camille Hanks Cosby, Bill's wife of 48 years about real love and marriage. It's so honest and a testament to Camille as an amazing women and wife.

Oprah: Onstage, Bill sometimes talks about when your marriage got its juice, when you knew, “We’ve gelled; we’ve made it.” When did that happen for you?

Camille: When we knew that we really wanted to be with each other, that we didn’t want to live without each other. That probably happened ten years after we were married, when we really spent time talking about what marriage means.

Oprah: Do you think marriage is difficult? People say you have to work at it.

Camille: You do. Because you are two different people, and you have to respect that. You have to learn not to project your stuff onto the other person. You have to give the other person space to do what he or she wants to do, to not be threatened by his or her absence or achievements.

Oprah: People must think that the wife of Bill Cosby is cracking up all the time.

Camille: Bill is not funny all the time. He is a serious man, a thoughtful man. And he likes to have his quiet time. He’s not consistently humorous, but he is funny. It’s in his bones. He sees the world from a serious perspective, but he is able to look at the funny side of human behavior. He is probably a great social scientist. That is the only way he can be a humorist. He is a storyteller. He does not like to see anyone in the family sad. So he’ll do things to make us laugh, and sometimes I say, “Bill, I just want to have my moment to be sad. Don’t try to make me laugh.”

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